The Last years
In the 'Armee 95' the cyclist troops found an adapted field of tasks. Their order can be described with "Surveillance and protection of larger areas ancovered by other troops". The recent time was very training intensive also for the cyclists. Beside a combat clothing at the beginning of the 90's new personal and corps armament as well as the new bicycle 'Fahrrad 93' and the 'Panzerfaust' were likewise introduced. Further, partial high-technical devices as for example night-vision device, low-light enhancer, storm rifle and anti tank weapon simulators, radio-equipment, additional armament and much more were introduced in the last years.
The increase of training needs forced the cadre to create ever more efficient training programmes. This led to a generally felt lack of long-distance bicycle rides. The number of "real" rides per training course (3 Weeks every 2nd year) was lowered continuously to an absolute minimum of 1 - 2.
In connection with the progressive mechanization of armies the cyclist troops began to loose right to exist. Particularly the limited employable radius as well as missing protection against all kinds of combat fire during rides argued against the continuation of cyclist units.
The dissolving of the remained cyclist batallions and the transfer of their member into the new structured units of the 'Armee XXI' was carried out between 2002 and 2003.
Read more about the final operations ... |